Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a source of good fat
We know that there are good fats, like mono and polyunsaturated fats that are contained in vegetable oils such as extra virgin olive oil – and bad fats, like saturated and trans fat that are harmful to your health and should be avoided.
But good fats are essential to the proper functioning of the body. “The food industry bombards us with low-fat products and even then, obesity is at endemic levels,” says sports nutritionist Evelyne DeBlock. “In contrast, people from the Mediterranean, who cook every meals with extra virgin olive oil, keep fit and live longer, while still enjoying what they eat.”
Extra virgin olive oil helps improve your heart and more…
Extra virgin olive oil contains fatty acids that are essential to health. The omega-3, omega-6 linoleic acid (omega-9) contained in extra virgin olive oil helps keep the heart healthy, and contribute to the formation of the brain, the nervous system and the eyes of babies, in utero. It also helps to prevent skin aging, even after exposure to UV rays.
Fries in olive oil? Of course…
Virgin and extra virgin olive oil is perfectly suited for frying. In fact, the Mediterraneans have always used it to fry food. In addition to having a high smoke point (210 ° C/410 ° F), olive oil is very stable and can be used multiple times. Interesting: a survey published in the British Medical Journal found that regularly eating food fried in olive oil did not cause a greater risk of heart disease than not eating fried food at all.
Salads, even better
We know that extra virgin olive oil enhances the taste of salads. But even better: a study showed that it facilitates the absorption of nutrients in salads – including carotenes, which have been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Extra virgin olive oil to power … gray matter
Brain functions slow down with age? Not always…Polyphenols and oleic acid content of extra virgin olive oil protects against cognitive decline associated with aging. After evaluating data for four years on more than 6,000 women, aged 65 years and over, Italian researchers found that their cognitive function and memory were sharper than women who consumed saturated fat. Olive oil is a smart choice!
Extra virgin olive oil to chase the blues
A good extra virgin olive oil instantly evokes the sweetness of life and the sun. But it also has the interesting virtues of chasing the blues and depression, because of the bioactive polyphenols and linoleic acid it contains.
But beware: all olive oils are not created equal, there is a lot of poor quality products out there, claiming to be the real stuff.
Where to find great olive oil: Olive & Olives
Specialist of great quality olive oil, Olive & Olives is engaged in a dual mission: to provide the best home this “liquid gold” unique in the world and set the record straight about the many benefits of this oil, a source of essential lipids, most beneficial for the body.
Olive & Olives is a great reference when you need to choose the perfect olive oil for your taste and your budget. They work directly with producers and only import authentic and genuine quality oils. The oils they sell come from certified producers, recognized for their expertise and loyalty to their art.
In Toronto, Olive & Olives is located at 779, Queen St East (416) 551-8181 and look for their stand at Costco (Downsview), until March 17th.